Just a update as to whats been up here at Green Image...
10/26/2013 18:48Green Image Marketing has been swamped with custom orders and we are in the mist of election campaigns
R&D is informing us that a new service originaly set for a spring 2014 release is ahead of scedual and as far as the testing goes
were being told that its better then expected so very positive news for all of us that includes you our clieant.
I cant say what exactly and its not new tech. however i can say weve developed a way to bring a service other advertising firms charge thousands per month for. were going to be able to do it for dare i say thousands less! Just a heads up the First to be offered this is the folks on our Mailing list. and those on the list will also get the best price as well your a Business man or woman you know how it is, offering perks to build your email list, facebook likes etc.
We only want to build a solid emial list to offer the best deals to those on it no like us on face book here lol one last note on this we do not nor will we ever share sell or trade or customers/clieants emails or any info we may use photos of your signs we produce for web or print media to show our work How ever this is just more exposure for you, in a positive way ......
so if you havent already sign up for email ( left side of home page down near bottom)so you can get the best rate and be one of the first to take advantage of our new product offerings and promotions!